I write this blog not to twinge anyone or their loved ones. In fact i do not mind removing it if i get any objection. What contrived me to write it?? A real life incident i had heard, a while ago. A husband who was so comforting, a wife who knew what her better half wanted and as a couple who vanquished the turmoil. Adjustment is life once you are married, i have heard some one say but always had protests to such statements. Today, it has been proved otherwise...
Here, the couple, adjust not because of destiny or fate but because of the immense love and passion for each other...
Leading a life by the country side to be woken up by the first rays of sun at dawn, to see each other in their arms, kiss a good morning, get ready for the morning walk and then drive a long way to the city to reach their work place. In the evening get back home, have their dinner at the garden with some light hearted conversation and bundling up their routine. All this just to spend maximum time with their partners and the nature. Though married for about couple of years, they felt it was not the right time to have kids. Furthermore, they had future planned for the kids in that sort of an atmosphere...
The lady suffered unbearable pain in her abdomen and was rushed to the hospital near by. Due to the inadequate facilities, she was taken to the city. This changed their lives up-side-down. Now, they had to visit the city more often than before. She was diagnosed of a cyst in her ovary. Did i say ovary? Then let me correct myself, 2 cysts in each of her ovaries. Blood cyst, nothing to worry, the doctor assured her. This is common with ladies around the age of 18 to 45 and she fell right in the category. Smiles on their face and the pain endurable, the couple went home...
The next 2 days were typical. Early next day, the telephone bell rings..Tring tring..
"Hello.. Good morning.. who's this??" Said the gentleman. Lady staring at him..
"Sir, this is a call from the hospital. We are calling..." Said the voice on the other end. Now husband staring at his wife with grief.
"Yeah, okay. We'll come down." He hung up the phone and held her lady's hand tight. She lay stiffen. Their eyes meet and adrenaline pumped. And a tear rolled down his cheek.
"Don't worry. Don't keep mum either. Please tell me what was the call about. Are parents alright? And granny, is she ok? Or is it about their neighbour who has been sick for long now? But why would u cry for them, you were never close. OH! shit, i know. Its baby right?? I always warned uncle to not let her drive bike at young age.. Or.." She never stopped.
"Ssssshhhhhhhh!!!!!" He was forceful. She felt terrorized! "Will you ever care about yourself and stop worrying about others?!"
"Am sorry, but i see my life as complete as it could get with you and i do not see the necessity to.." She whispered as the tears loaded her dark brown eyes.
"Honey, but my love is not strong enough to avert the cancer!"He burst out and she lay frozen...
Yes, she was diagnosed of ovary malignancy at a rare age of 25. And the only cure was cystectomy, removal of the cyst by operation, which would mean partial or complete removal of ovaries(oophorectomy). Simultaneously her life was put into danger as the cyst had occupied a larger proportion of each ovary. If metastasis is absent, and the lesion is localized to the ovaries, she can still give birth to a child only if other uncertainties were absent...
To the doctors, the lady conceiving a baby seemed impossible. They decided to examine the lady's eggs and her busband's sperm. Count for both seemed normal. Why would a lady be punished so hard? Everything to conceive a baby were perfect but she still was unable to do so...
Months have elapsed now after the surgery. However, she is unable to overcome the trauma or torsion, she still leads a happy life. Her husband supporting her entirely now. He has quit his job and set up a small business. Managing the same within the boundaries of their house so that he would never let his wife alone, even for a moment. Though they are not making an extra-ordinary living, they have not lost the love they had for each other and waking up at the first rays of sunlight at dawn at her hubby's arm is still a solace to her.
And i know what you are exactly thinking about. Nope, do not call her unpropitious because the couple will be having a baby in another 2 months. Ahh!! are u startled?! Do not be. Due to the old practice of producing a test tube baby and a very close friend of theirs ready to implant the zygote, they will have the fortune of being parents...
That is life after all right?! God can never be cruel. And for atheists, this is Providence...