Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Comical or farcical!

It was the first time our class saw him. We do not get taught by the same lecturers, I believe it is a rotation basis. There are innumerable staffs in every department. Ranging from lecturers,senior lecturers, readers, assistant professors till professors(including the HOD). I am guessing, he was either a senior lecturer or a reader.

He walked into the class with a laptop. Walking down from the entrance, he smiled at the class. We greeted him. He called for the Class Representative(CR) and asked him to fix up the laptop. Most of the staff prefer to adopt the slide show rather than the Over Head Projector(OHP) which demands one to write the contents, to be discussed, on a special type of transparent sheet. Slide shows are more captivating to the students, is the psychology(oh yeah?!)!!

Laptop was set,the projector screen was ready. The 'show' was on. It involved a lot of diagrammatic representations. Initially he kept pointing at his monitor, "Follow my finger carefully. This is the course of this nerve". Initially we did not understand what he was trying to convey. We were wondering which nerve he was talking about!! Then it struck us that he thought the mechanism between slide shows and OHP were same!! OHPs duplicate the written material on the screen. When one moves his hand along the sheet, it is projected on the screen as well. So, according to our staff, when he points at his monitor, it is visible on the screen! The scene appeared hilarious. It appeared as if he was doing it on purpose. He laughed with us. Then he called the CR and quickly hushed something! Later we understood that he comprehended nothing!

It was funny for quite sometime and I laughed over it again and again,whenever I thought about it. But probably it does not seem comical anymore! To be very honest, I feel lousy. I do not entirely blame him but I do think he materialized that sort of a state himself!


Name said...

So what was 'he' trying to show you all?

Swetha said...

I had mentioned a line which said "follow my finger. this is the course of this nerve".. It was a class on nerves....