Look at them, they are such a cute pair. They have been committed since 6th grade. Their marriage is fixed for the next month now.....
Committed at the age of 10 or 11! First of all why would anyone call it a commitment?! I would define commitment as when both individuals are mature enough to take care of each other and also take care of themselves, to take a decision on their own and to abide by it, and to fund himself and his partner!
At the age of 10 or 11, its lure. When they move on to senior secondary, its attraction or crush. During the college-hood, its youth. When you are a full-fledged adult(not major!), its love. As kids, they are seeds that have been just sowed. At secondary or senior secondary, they imbibe water. At college, they give off roots. A strong anchorage and footage is provided. They learn. they start maturing. And when they are adults, the plant not only grows but also the fruits begin to ripen.
Most kids, particularly the blossoming generation, have their own guidelines. Certainly our parents did not impose rules on us, but we had a protocol. We exactly knew what was expected of us. This sort of an attitude is probably missing these days. The word 'kids' freaks them out. Especially during their teenage, they feel on top of the world. Why are such scenarios being witnessed today? Is it due to the technology advancement? Is it due to too much of net surfing? I shall call it the 'unnecessary knowledge'! Life style has become sedentary. Constant computer, HDTV with new gaming softwares, chatting, orkut, facebook, mobile, junk food and cinema are the contents of their world.
Wonder why I talk like a cultural cop at this age? If one understands what is expected from them at any particular age and sticks to the decorum, age should not really matter to touch on such topics.
Why do you think a life partner is necessary at age 10 or 11? You have umpteen problems to share it with someone or you are just too happy to celebrate?! At senior secondary, does your career and future not stand in front of you? The ambitions, other's expectations, your responsibility and your competency not dominate you? So what if you have joined your under graduation? You are a grown up now? Only now are the roots out, without grabbing a proper anchorage you want to choose your partner?
Everything in life takes time. Why decide your life partner that early then? "He's not my life partner, he's just my boy friend." Do you not know what you want in life yourself? "We have a lot of things in common, we can work it out." I have only heard opposite poles attract!!! "You kidding me, we are poles apart!" Good one, what a way to reject a person. When one cannot mold oneself that early in life, how is it plausible to settle down with anyone?! Finally it ends up in a break-up. Why in this first place did you start it?!!
Change is the only constant thing that takes place! The maturity to accept the change, to accept that the person you love will change tomorrow and to continue loving him needs the mellowness. Instead to hang around with a lot of people, calling them your boy friends or girl friends, to choose a person for a changing you, is not very necessary.
To confide to someone, to disclose you does not necessarily involve a partner. You can have best friend, where both exactly know their boundaries or some close person to heart. In fact you need not give that relationship between you a name as far as you know the circumference.
Think about it, a life can be different(not always glee may be) without a partner at young age! Enjoy life the way you want it to and not let anybody dictate or domineer you..
A word or two to parents, talking as a representative for our generation. We expect our parents to open themselves more to us. A generation gap is always noticed. If your kid makes a mistake, before punishing him, know what his intentions are. Like, seizing a mobile from a girl who talks a lot to a guy, is a punishment and not a solution. :)
Not everyone of us are fortunate as those couples(first paragraph) to marry their first lure, first attraction, first crush and most importantly first love ...
Monday, January 28, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Stem cells - boon or bane?!
Recently I came across an article from a very popular newspaper. It spoke about transplants. The reason I chose to put it on my blog is because it spoke on heart transplants!
Stem cell is defined as a totipotent cell, meaning it has the capacity to take up the function of any organ when injected into the same. For example, take any fluid, say water. When you pour into a container, volume occupied by it is same as the volume occupied by the fluid assuming the fluid is till the brim. In simpler words, shape taken up by water and shape of the container are same.
Stem cell has developed a lot of scope for survival. It has made a lot of transplants feasible. In fact the use of stem cells in a limb of a diabetic patient was fantabulous! The limb was regenerated from the patela(knee cap) to the foot with all digits(toes)! A lot of analysis is being made to use it in almost every part of the body to replace a lost or affected organ.
It has been recently found that stem cell technology has been used to transplant a heart!!! It has almost made rat heart transplant possible! With that on the verge of completion, the scientists aim for more. Their target is next the pig(the appetizer). A good lunch is complete only with the main course! Bull's eye, its US next!!!!!
The procedure involves injecting cells from a young heart(more healthy) into a heart from the dead. By placing this 'dead' heart in a suitable medium and maintaining it at appropriate conditions, the 'dead' heart gets life! Then you place this 'beating' heart inside the patient. Though it is a hypothesis still, the scientists expect this project to be complete in another 10 years. Where is all this heading to?! A healthier society? A long life?! Or simply fashion?!!
It started from GM(genetically modified) fruits. Then came the foods. Now available are the frozen foods at market. Advertisements say your life style is made simple in the day to day hubbub! Is that so?! Does it not affect our health at some stage of life?! Pros and cons are always a part of any discussion. Pros are elephantine in comparison to cons when you deal with nature straight! Are we not constantly getting contrary to nature? In fact it should be called a trend setter. It is really unfortunate when we still do not realize after the global warming and ozone layer hole, what playing with nature can result at!
How many people will be ready to accept this? Ask a man when only the last breath belongs to him, would say one more day. We are greedy, nothing wrong. We have desires for present, aspirations for future and regrets for pasts. May be that is why we are humans! This should not be considered an excuse.
Though such developments are meant for the people who are at critical risk, it should not be made an alternative. One should not even call it the last resort! Whether or not there is a super-power controlling us, every particular thing, be it living or non-living, has a longevity. One can redefine his fate but one should not rewrite it!
Let us wait and face the consequences ourselves, afterall we created it!

Stem cell has developed a lot of scope for survival. It has made a lot of transplants feasible. In fact the use of stem cells in a limb of a diabetic patient was fantabulous! The limb was regenerated from the patela(knee cap) to the foot with all digits(toes)! A lot of analysis is being made to use it in almost every part of the body to replace a lost or affected organ.
It has been recently found that stem cell technology has been used to transplant a heart!!! It has almost made rat heart transplant possible! With that on the verge of completion, the scientists aim for more. Their target is next the pig(the appetizer). A good lunch is complete only with the main course! Bull's eye, its US next!!!!!
The procedure involves injecting cells from a young heart(more healthy) into a heart from the dead. By placing this 'dead' heart in a suitable medium and maintaining it at appropriate conditions, the 'dead' heart gets life! Then you place this 'beating' heart inside the patient. Though it is a hypothesis still, the scientists expect this project to be complete in another 10 years. Where is all this heading to?! A healthier society? A long life?! Or simply fashion?!!
It started from GM(genetically modified) fruits. Then came the foods. Now available are the frozen foods at market. Advertisements say your life style is made simple in the day to day hubbub! Is that so?! Does it not affect our health at some stage of life?! Pros and cons are always a part of any discussion. Pros are elephantine in comparison to cons when you deal with nature straight! Are we not constantly getting contrary to nature? In fact it should be called a trend setter. It is really unfortunate when we still do not realize after the global warming and ozone layer hole, what playing with nature can result at!
How many people will be ready to accept this? Ask a man when only the last breath belongs to him, would say one more day. We are greedy, nothing wrong. We have desires for present, aspirations for future and regrets for pasts. May be that is why we are humans! This should not be considered an excuse.
Though such developments are meant for the people who are at critical risk, it should not be made an alternative. One should not even call it the last resort! Whether or not there is a super-power controlling us, every particular thing, be it living or non-living, has a longevity. One can redefine his fate but one should not rewrite it!
Let us wait and face the consequences ourselves, afterall we created it!
genetically modified,
heart transplants,
stem cell,
B.D.S. Vs M.B.B.S.

A group of girls, around 13 or 14 years, once asked me what I was 'studying'? "II year B.D.S.", I said. An agile discussion took place betwixt them and they giggled! I was stumped!! One of the girls father was a doctor. He was related to the medical field and not dental. No regrets. But what aghast me was that giggle in a jiffy! I could relate it only to the girl's father who happened to be this 'doc'!
I have always wondered why people think dentistry as inferior, at least in comparison with medicine! "What are you doing currently?" Someone asked me..
"Am doing my II year in dentistry."
"Ah! That's great. But did you not make it to medicine??!!" He's downhearted..
"Excuse me! How would I make it if I did not apply to it?????!!!!" Am dismayed!
There can be 3 categories of people who apply for dentistry. One, you are really interested in the course. Two, you had to as you could not make it to M.B.B.S. and third, you are forced to join due to some sort of a shear! Whichever category the individual belongs to, it solely depends on what he is tomorrow(a successful dentist or yet another dentist!)
Talking about those girls again, it shows how their parents have educated them at this age! In what way are dentists inferior?! You can call it animosity as I am pursuing my career in dentistry but honestly being in the same field, it hurts more. Adding salt on an open wound, is how I would describe it!
When there was an additional year of internship for the M.B.B.S. students, a lot of protest was on! Commotion and chaos advanced everywhere. When we(myself and peer) sat down for a discussion if we could serve the rural community, it sounded impractical! To afford even the basics, starting from the dental chairs till dental cements, seemed absurd! Is that the reason the dentists are subjacent?! "All you need is a table, a chair, a few minimal apparatus and that is it, your clinic is ready!" Is that all is required by a medical practitioner?!
"Medicine is a noble profession aimed for the betterment of people." Precisely! This is what I am trying to convey. But why have to demarcate Medicine as M.B.B.S. alone?? Why the other fields like pharmaceuticals, nursing, B.D.S., physiotherapy etc neglected?! Why has Medicine become a narrow spectrum?
When you are in the aisle to emerge as a dentist, when you are a student, the respect is missing. But when there is an inclusion of Dr., the awe is seen! By respect I do not mean a white collar or the 'dispose of' attitude.
Expand your vision if you still think medical practitioners are the elite group. There is no elite group if it is meant for the people and their betterment! Understand that M.B.B.S. or B.D.S. work on the same cadavers(the dead) , difference being they(M.B.B.S.) study the entire cadaver whereas B.D.S. are delimited to the neck. When we get down into the profession and are certified doctors, we work on the 6th sense animals only!
medical practitioner,
Friday, January 25, 2008
"Finally guys we are on for tea"
"Finally guys we are on for tea.." That is what Adam Gilchrist said after the amazing determination shown by the Indian Batsmen, actually bowlers, here at Adelaide. The score now is 525/9 with Kumble on 86 and Ishant on 14 on the second day. Though the pitch here is a batting pitch its amazing to see our bowlers bestow to the scorecard!
A lot of interesting stuffs happened today already! Bhajji coming up with his half century in Symonds's ball was really lovely to watch[He got out with Symonds's ball too ;)]. Not only Indians underwent a turmoil at Syndey but I would say Aussies underwent augmented hubbub. This probably is due to the agitation expressed by the country against their home team! To inflate would be the Perth Test Match!
A lot of catches dropped, Harsha calling it an autumn season, added glee to the match! Ponting, literally taking off his cap and wondering what can be done to stop Indians, it was fun to watch.
It certainly has been an eventful day so far. Its good to see that the game is being taken in the right spirit and not amalgamated with racism(yet again)!!
And India all out for 526...
A lot of interesting stuffs happened today already! Bhajji coming up with his half century in Symonds's ball was really lovely to watch[He got out with Symonds's ball too ;)]. Not only Indians underwent a turmoil at Syndey but I would say Aussies underwent augmented hubbub. This probably is due to the agitation expressed by the country against their home team! To inflate would be the Perth Test Match!
A lot of catches dropped, Harsha calling it an autumn season, added glee to the match! Ponting, literally taking off his cap and wondering what can be done to stop Indians, it was fun to watch.
It certainly has been an eventful day so far. Its good to see that the game is being taken in the right spirit and not amalgamated with racism(yet again)!!
And India all out for 526...
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Comical or farcical!
It was the first time our class saw him. We do not get taught by the same lecturers, I believe it is a rotation basis. There are innumerable staffs in every department. Ranging from lecturers,senior lecturers, readers, assistant professors till professors(including the HOD). I am guessing, he was either a senior lecturer or a reader.
He walked into the class with a laptop. Walking down from the entrance, he smiled at the class. We greeted him. He called for the Class Representative(CR) and asked him to fix up the laptop. Most of the staff prefer to adopt the slide show rather than the Over Head Projector(OHP) which demands one to write the contents, to be discussed, on a special type of transparent sheet. Slide shows are more captivating to the students, is the psychology(oh yeah?!)!!
Laptop was set,the projector screen was ready. The 'show' was on. It involved a lot of diagrammatic representations. Initially he kept pointing at his monitor, "Follow my finger carefully. This is the course of this nerve". Initially we did not understand what he was trying to convey. We were wondering which nerve he was talking about!! Then it struck us that he thought the mechanism between slide shows and OHP were same!! OHPs duplicate the written material on the screen. When one moves his hand along the sheet, it is projected on the screen as well. So, according to our staff, when he points at his monitor, it is visible on the screen! The scene appeared hilarious. It appeared as if he was doing it on purpose. He laughed with us. Then he called the CR and quickly hushed something! Later we understood that he comprehended nothing!
It was funny for quite sometime and I laughed over it again and again,whenever I thought about it. But probably it does not seem comical anymore! To be very honest, I feel lousy. I do not entirely blame him but I do think he materialized that sort of a state himself!
He walked into the class with a laptop. Walking down from the entrance, he smiled at the class. We greeted him. He called for the Class Representative(CR) and asked him to fix up the laptop. Most of the staff prefer to adopt the slide show rather than the Over Head Projector(OHP) which demands one to write the contents, to be discussed, on a special type of transparent sheet. Slide shows are more captivating to the students, is the psychology(oh yeah?!)!!
Laptop was set,the projector screen was ready. The 'show' was on. It involved a lot of diagrammatic representations. Initially he kept pointing at his monitor, "Follow my finger carefully. This is the course of this nerve". Initially we did not understand what he was trying to convey. We were wondering which nerve he was talking about!! Then it struck us that he thought the mechanism between slide shows and OHP were same!! OHPs duplicate the written material on the screen. When one moves his hand along the sheet, it is projected on the screen as well. So, according to our staff, when he points at his monitor, it is visible on the screen! The scene appeared hilarious. It appeared as if he was doing it on purpose. He laughed with us. Then he called the CR and quickly hushed something! Later we understood that he comprehended nothing!
It was funny for quite sometime and I laughed over it again and again,whenever I thought about it. But probably it does not seem comical anymore! To be very honest, I feel lousy. I do not entirely blame him but I do think he materialized that sort of a state himself!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Amazing Thai...
Have you seen a cub(i mean the young of tiger)??!!
Ahh!! You must have.. But tell me this, have you ever held it on your hands??
I had been to Thailand during my winter vacation. (Thai??!! but why?) I personally wasn't very thrilled with this place initially. After a lot of contemplation i decided to search online for adventures in Thai. I was quite stupefied to see enormous sites of attraction!! There was a pause when i saw 'that' picture-a baby carrying a cub!! That very moment i was filled with copious energy and absolutely convinced about the destination!
Thai is a very beautiful place with the beaches on one side and sky-scrappers on the other. A perfect blend of fashion and tourism without compromising on the religion. It is renowned for the Gem Factory and Thai Massage. But here i want to blog none about these!
I would certainly not call it a zoo! It was different from a zoo in a lot of aspects. Animals(and birds) are free from an enclosure of wires or bars,you are directly allowed to feed the animals(in fact you get to feed the giraffe after climbing a near by building about 2 storeys!) and you go sooo close to the wild(of course in your car!!) that you are just a whisker away from it! Lot of shows featuring the dolphins, sea lion, elephants etc just to provide entertainment amidst the long tiring walks....
'Photograph,photograph!!! Just 40 Baht per person. Be it the mother or cub!!Just 40 Baht. Come on come on..' I heard someone screaming on top of their voice. And there was the majestic Tigress and the cute cub! My father wanted to take pictures with the Tigress but i was tilted towards the cub. In a jiffy we decided it would be the cub(my convincing skills!hats off). My mother,certainly apprehensive for both the tigress and the cub(moreover we needed a photographer!!)...

The cub was so restless when we(myself and dad) held it first! It wanted to get off my hand with the cacophonous screech! It took not more than a couple of seconds for it to adjust(my controlling skills,hats off again!). Then the trainer gave us a feeding bottle with milk to feed the cub. MY GOD, that is it. The cub, so co-operative, offered different poses for photography!! It was doing its business and we were doing ours,cuddling it. Suddenly its restless again! Well the bottle of milk was done. We handed the cub back to the trainer heading our way to the next task....
Those moments while i was carrying the cub,it felt so pleasant,admirable and satisfying. Thailand is certainly is a place to see....
Just additional information, most tour packages would not include Phuket. It'll carry only Pattaya and Bangkok. Do not forget to include Phuket!!
Ahh!! You must have.. But tell me this, have you ever held it on your hands??
I had been to Thailand during my winter vacation. (Thai??!! but why?) I personally wasn't very thrilled with this place initially. After a lot of contemplation i decided to search online for adventures in Thai. I was quite stupefied to see enormous sites of attraction!! There was a pause when i saw 'that' picture-a baby carrying a cub!! That very moment i was filled with copious energy and absolutely convinced about the destination!
Thai is a very beautiful place with the beaches on one side and sky-scrappers on the other. A perfect blend of fashion and tourism without compromising on the religion. It is renowned for the Gem Factory and Thai Massage. But here i want to blog none about these!
I would certainly not call it a zoo! It was different from a zoo in a lot of aspects. Animals(and birds) are free from an enclosure of wires or bars,you are directly allowed to feed the animals(in fact you get to feed the giraffe after climbing a near by building about 2 storeys!) and you go sooo close to the wild(of course in your car!!) that you are just a whisker away from it! Lot of shows featuring the dolphins, sea lion, elephants etc just to provide entertainment amidst the long tiring walks....
'Photograph,photograph!!! Just 40 Baht per person. Be it the mother or cub!!Just 40 Baht. Come on come on..' I heard someone screaming on top of their voice. And there was the majestic Tigress and the cute cub! My father wanted to take pictures with the Tigress but i was tilted towards the cub. In a jiffy we decided it would be the cub(my convincing skills!hats off). My mother,certainly apprehensive for both the tigress and the cub(moreover we needed a photographer!!)...
The cub was so restless when we(myself and dad) held it first! It wanted to get off my hand with the cacophonous screech! It took not more than a couple of seconds for it to adjust(my controlling skills,hats off again!). Then the trainer gave us a feeding bottle with milk to feed the cub. MY GOD, that is it. The cub, so co-operative, offered different poses for photography!! It was doing its business and we were doing ours,cuddling it. Suddenly its restless again! Well the bottle of milk was done. We handed the cub back to the trainer heading our way to the next task....
Those moments while i was carrying the cub,it felt so pleasant,admirable and satisfying. Thailand is certainly is a place to see....
Just additional information, most tour packages would not include Phuket. It'll carry only Pattaya and Bangkok. Do not forget to include Phuket!!
gem factory,
safari world,
thai massage,
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