Stem cell has developed a lot of scope for survival. It has made a lot of transplants feasible. In fact the use of stem cells in a limb of a diabetic patient was fantabulous! The limb was regenerated from the patela(knee cap) to the foot with all digits(toes)! A lot of analysis is being made to use it in almost every part of the body to replace a lost or affected organ.
It has been recently found that stem cell technology has been used to transplant a heart!!! It has almost made rat heart transplant possible! With that on the verge of completion, the scientists aim for more. Their target is next the pig(the appetizer). A good lunch is complete only with the main course! Bull's eye, its US next!!!!!
The procedure involves injecting cells from a young heart(more healthy) into a heart from the dead. By placing this 'dead' heart in a suitable medium and maintaining it at appropriate conditions, the 'dead' heart gets life! Then you place this 'beating' heart inside the patient. Though it is a hypothesis still, the scientists expect this project to be complete in another 10 years. Where is all this heading to?! A healthier society? A long life?! Or simply fashion?!!
It started from GM(genetically modified) fruits. Then came the foods. Now available are the frozen foods at market. Advertisements say your life style is made simple in the day to day hubbub! Is that so?! Does it not affect our health at some stage of life?! Pros and cons are always a part of any discussion. Pros are elephantine in comparison to cons when you deal with nature straight! Are we not constantly getting contrary to nature? In fact it should be called a trend setter. It is really unfortunate when we still do not realize after the global warming and ozone layer hole, what playing with nature can result at!
How many people will be ready to accept this? Ask a man when only the last breath belongs to him, would say one more day. We are greedy, nothing wrong. We have desires for present, aspirations for future and regrets for pasts. May be that is why we are humans! This should not be considered an excuse.
Though such developments are meant for the people who are at critical risk, it should not be made an alternative. One should not even call it the last resort! Whether or not there is a super-power controlling us, every particular thing, be it living or non-living, has a longevity. One can redefine his fate but one should not rewrite it!
Let us wait and face the consequences ourselves, afterall we created it!
You do not know me. But I have been following your attempts to blog for quite sometime.. you may call me your secret admirer :) Its a good moral debate, but I do not understand a lot of terms in there ... keep writing.. I love new authors... and you look pretty in the pic ..
"Your attempts to blog"!!! if you think am attempting, why are you my admirer. And anonymous, why?!! I have put my blog as public coz i want to share my ideas. I'd really appreciate if you stick to the blog and its contents alone and not get personal!
I got an impression it was your first blog which made me think of it as an attempt. I am sorry if that hurt your sensitivities which are obviously fragile. I am Sathish and I have stopped blogging for sometime now.
As an aside, your blog contents are a reflection of your personal self. So commenting on both would be overlapping.
I still admire your guts to stand up to me :)
Thank you Sathish! And for disclosing your identity, i acknowledge it. As a suggestion, you should stop your assumptions and start scrolling a bit to get to the first blog!
Wonder why you do not gimme the link to your blog still! Do not want any reciprocative admirers?!
And Sathish, i can help you with the terms you do not understand!
A good post should be self explanatory. Though amateurish, it is a nice start. And about my blog, you are not stimulus enough to make me start writing again :) I like your acidic views on life nevertheless.
Stem cells...... where have I heard about them before (thinking.....thinking....thinking) ;-D
Look at you!! Was surprised for a sec that someone i did not kno visited my blog. Could not figure your name with 'ares' too!! and then came the comment and ur trademark smiley!!!!! Nat!! a big time nut! ;)
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